Nicks View: None of us liked last night campsite it was too crowded and it didn’t really feel like a safe place to leave your bikes unlocked. Harry is still naive and he does not understand there are some people that they will take advantage of him, so we kept him with us for most of the night. We spent a happy half an hour on a grabbing machine to win a soft football in Italian colours worth about 50p it only costs £10.
After climbing Helvellyn my legs were shot. I was walking like a cat with toilet rolls on its legs. Fortunately this morning the DOMs (delayed onset muscle trauma) was better. Still sore, but I know my legs would warm up. I have now entered a part of the Lake District where red squirrels were prevalent, I cycled past slowly passed woods and trees looking for them. I heard a noise in the bushes as I was peddling my way up a 12% gradient. But no luck sighting these little chittering beasts.
I crossed the A66 and saw a sign for the Appleby horse fair it was warning motorists that there may be horse and carriages on the road. I think this is insane because it’s a dual carriageway and I wouldn’t even cycle down it. I feel sorry for the poor horses and motorists stuck behind one of them. My next town was Greystoke I wonder if this was the inspiration for Tarzan, so I stopped and asked a local. They suggested I go to the local pub, they had some information on it. However, she was sceptical. I passed a town called Flusco (I must be getting close to Scotland). FluSco like a Sottish governmental vaccination program.
About 10 miles into the ride I decided that as today was mostly downhill I would try to extend the mileage and reduced tomorrow by around 20 miles. Much to Louise‘s pleasure I’ve booked us into the Holiday Inn in Dumfries. Harry and I had previous stayed in on our last John O’Groats adventure. I’m sure we’ll show mummy the secret maze later. With a 3 course dinner and breakfast booked combined with a peaceful night sleep this will be bliss. One thing you notice in rural Cumbria is that Audis, BMWs and Lexus SUV are replaced by Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s, Asda delivery vans. I guess the Northern part of the county is a place where the middle-class masses dare not venture. The further north you go the more insects are biting, my legs are starting to look like one of Harry‘s popper toys.
The squirrel watch continues and yet no luck. If you ever get s chase to pass close to `Dalston, take a look at Rose Castle, it looks like a pretty cool place to have a picnic. Neat the castle was Limehouse school, I think I’ve heard of this school but I’m not sure why. It looks like a fabulous place to get an education maybe something to consider for Harry in the future.
Dalston had a huge Nescafe plant, it was a bit of a surprise to see in the middle of the countryside, next to the plant I rejoined cycle route 7. I followed this cycle route from into Carlisle and saw the castle - my last chance to use my English Heritage membership - I passed on by. Carlisle is a very strange city it's half industry, half countryside - I blinked and somehow I was through it.
After leaving Carlisle headed towards Gretna - I saw a sign got Cargo and assumed this was for cargo freight, lots of rubbish lorries were using this road. Only to discover that Cargo is an actual town. The rubbish lorries were heading to the recycling plant boarding Scotland lol. Just before Gretna I got caught by my first level cross of the trip. Two cyclists, one on either side of it and a five minute wait for a two carriage train with no people in it.
There was a heavy police presence along the English - Scottish borders - I wonder what that’s about I have seen at least five different police cars. Maybe its just because Grenta is a bit run down.
Finally made it to Gretna and saw a halfway signpost (did not know this existed), took a photograph the Welcome to Scotland sign. Both Louise and I passed the Devils porridge museum, both of us were curious, but neither of us stopped. This will be something to research on the interest later.
Question: How do you annoy Harry?
Answer: Call him a Newbie (referring to Minecraft.)
Close to the town of Newbie there was a signpost to Minefield. Kinda close, however, to head into the minefield would clearly be a newbie mistake. The next village was Powfoot - was a cool name for a town also a character name in minecraft. The roads here were brilliant and I was happily cycling down empty lanes with a nice breeze at my back. I found myself singing and whistling for around 10 miles, I also discovered that I don't know any lyrics to any songs (just some choruses). So I started to create my own songs, I was singing them joyfully and loudly much to the bemusement of the horses and sheep. Arrived at the hotel and just beat the rain. Time to chill and watch the olympics :)
Louises View: Made our way towards Scotland, and called in to a fab farm adventure park. Harry is living his best life, I don’t know where he gets his energy from. We’re busy most days and then he’s out playing until 10pm most nights. I dread going home, I think Harry will be super bored having experienced all this new found freedom!
After the adventure park we stopped at the Miniature Museum, where we looked at some very tiny exhibits with our magnifying glasses. I’m like the cat who got the cream! I write this from a Hotel bed, the room is the perfect temperature so I won’t have to sleep with my face mask on tonight, and may I just add that I have my own toilet that I don’t have to share with anyone else! For one night only, I am also living my best life!
Harrys View: I had a good day today I went to a farm park. There was a massive horse and a reindeer who was an escape artist. There was a big park and a castle play area. The slides were like waves and were cool. The museum was good.
. We are very lucky to have a hotel tonight. I’m really pleased I don’t have to sleep in that tiny tiny tiny bed.
I had sticky toffee pudding.