Nicks View: What a long day..... started before 7am and I was quite disorganised, I started my journey and then looped around after a couple of miles to pick up the keys to the house in Yorkley that I forgot to take. Ended up being a waste of time as Louise and Harry arrived only 30 seconds behind me.
It was Sunday so I could have taken the A roads, however, I stuck true to my mission and continued on the back roads. I know the people of Somerset have a funny accent, however, I believe it has translated into their spelling. Instead of cycling down a long drive, I cycled down a number of droves. Took the strawberry line, another disused railway, thought it only lasted a mile or so. Made it to Wells and it started raining, so I get my wet weather gear out and accidentally reset my trip computer - this is annoying as I would have completed my longest activity on Strava.
The cathedral in Wells was very disappointing as it was covered in scaffolding so I moved on quickly. The next port of call was Wookey Hole. As Louise mentioned that was where I proposed. We stopped there on the way to stay in a hobbit hole for two days. Love you babes!
I thought I was don't with hills, noooooo... the first hill of the mendips was brutal. 600 feet tall and rather steep, I sweated my way up - I was lucky this was early in the morning. If this was the last hill of the day I would have probably sat on the verge and called a taxi. The next few miles were uneventful, and I continued into the Chew Valley, quite pretty, but I made the stupid choice of trying to avoid Bristol and I opted for Route 41. More hills and more badly trimmed nettles.
I thought I was heading towards the Clifton bridge today, but it appears my guidance went wayward again. I ended up in a massive country estate with high deer fencing, I asked for directions and I was guided into woodlands. I did meet two lovely ladies training for the Green man. An ultra marathon around Bristol - you go you. Arrived at the end of the forrest to be met with a deer fence. Do you know how hard it is to carry a bike over a 10 foot fence lol.
Out of the estate route 41 took me to a mountain biking course. The garmin told me take blue. So I took the blue course, road bikes don't do well on gravel downhills. The blue run ejected me on the Avon and I had to track it for what seemed miles to get to Pill. At pill you can cross the river next to the M5, very cool I was cycling faster than the traffic. A bloke in the other direction said good luck. I was puzzled by this...
Upon cross the River I ended up in one of the less desirable parts of Bristol. I see what he meant by good luck.
1) The route was closed and badly directed
2) Anyway that has Kill the Police painted on the roads might not be a great area.
3) All the subways had their lights out with signs pointing out that had set on fire. I could see the fire had got a few cars as well.
This was one of my faster sections, the route then took me through deserted industrial estates past the first Severn Bridge and onto the next one. More routes closed so I had to power it down the major road to get to the Old Severn Bridge. Please note the last 3 of my adventures have taken me across the Severn Bridge so it has a special place in my heart.
I was tried and I frowned my way across it. Refuel at a petrol station in Chepstow, looks like my deathly eating is screwed. Fuel was two mini pork pies, two milkshakes, two bottles of water, a peperami and a bag of scampi fries. Next I dropped into Chepstow and I really did not want to use the A48, but I looked at the elevation profile and decided I just could to make it up more hills. My plan for this undulating route was - get to the top of a hill, switch to my highest gear, pedal like a maniac and hope to get up the next hill. It most worked. At Lydney I arrived at the turn off to Yorkley and walked most of the first hill. Eventually got back on the bike and just about made it home. 72 miles, with limited calories and 4700 feet of elevation was tough. Thankfully tomorrow is a rest day. If you can call going to Go Ape as a rest lol.
Louises View: I’ve totally given up hope of getting a good night sleep on this trip, last night was truly ridiculous!
Live music stopped around 11pm, followed by a fabulous storm and Harry spent the next hour spying out the window at the party goers in the beer garden 🤣 ( nosey like Daddy! ) A brilliant place to stay however if your on a proper adult night out and not with your 7 year old.
After a posh breakfast in town we made our way to Wookey hole. Last time I was here Nick proposed!
Harry had loads of fun in the old time arcade, and was thoroughly freaked out by the tarot card lady 🤣
After buying a load of tat from the gift shop and another bubblegum ice cream we set off to Newport for a sarnie and a cuppa with my mother. Managed to clean the van out after Nick trashed it this morning I’m guessing on one of his search and destroy missions!
Received a text from Nick saying he was close to the Forest of Dean, so we set off to meet him. Arrived at the Forest of Dean house, I cannot tell you how nice it is to lounge on a sofa as I write this! We have 2 nights here, so time to catch up on some TV and washing!
Harrys View: We went to wookey hole and I got to go in a cave and a play park and I had bubblegum ice cream. The cave was cold and drippy. I don’t really know if I like caves or not. We bought Daddy some cheese.
We went to see Nanny and then drove to the Forest of Dean. I like being back in a house.