Nicks View: So much for an easy day. I miscalculated my route to discover 34 miles was in fact 48 miles. At least I stayed later and help Louise take down the tent and unmake the beds. We agree to meet for lunch in Porthmadog so I set off and waited for Louise to tell me where we should meet.
Todays cycle was along the windy west coast of Wales, the beaches here look really nice and I was flying along until I saw a really long bridge. I headed down hill towards the sea and cycled along a dyke until I reached Barmouth bridge. It was a rail and foot passenger bridge that cross an estuary... the planks of wood moved under wheel and it was super bumpy (I thought I was in Devon again). Got to the end of the bridge and there was a Troll. A troll toll - you got to place a voluntary donation into a trolls mouth. So I paid for my passage.
Leaving Barmouth, I cruised along the sea front when I got a message from Louise that she was just leaving. So I decided to speed up a bit to make our lunch date. I did take a slight detour to Harlech to visit the worlds Steepest street. It was a good I was pressed for time I did not climb it, or cycle down it. I just looked at it and headed out of Harlech. I then proceeded to bury myself as Louise was still 12 miles away.
I hammered it down hills, I screamed down cycle paths and I weaved through traffic, my legs were burning and I could hardly move my legs faster or breathe, all my focus was on getting a hot meal- I found Louise and Harry just finishing their lunch!!!!!!! "Oh, sorry I thought we were just meeting". said Louise.
So I walked to Tescos, with my bottom lip quivering and proceeded to have a beef and onion slice and a banana milkshake for lunch. :( Whilst I was in Tesco Louise did try and phone companies for cooking gas - but there is a 12 week wait in NW Wales. Microwave dinners again.....
I did get some good news by email in Porthmadog. My adventure hero Sean Conway sent me an e-mail.
"Hey Mate.
Really good going. Hope you’re a bit cooler now. Keep pushing
Louise and Harry went off to the beach and I headed off to the campsite. The first section of the Snowdonia National Park was smooth sailing, until I approached Beddgelert, where the hills started. I did notice a rather cool looking river with a perfect plunge pool. I have drive pass that point many times and I have never seen that river. Hopefully Harry and I can take a dip tomorrow.
Beddgelert has stone monument in the field marks the resting place of 'Gelert', the faithful hound of the medieval Welsh Prince Llewelyn the Great.
The story, as written on the tombstone reads:
"In the 13th century Llewelyn, prince of North Wales, had a palace at Beddgelert. One day he went hunting without Gelert, ‘The Faithful Hound’, who was unaccountably absent.
On Llewelyn's return the truant, stained and smeared with blood, joyfully sprang to meet his master. The prince alarmed hastened to find his son, and saw the infant's cot empty, the bedclothes and floor covered with blood.
The frantic father plunged his sword into the hound's side, thinking it had killed his heir. The dog's dying yell was answered by a child's cry.
Llewelyn searched and discovered his boy unharmed, but nearby lay the body of a mighty wolf which Gelert had slain. The prince filled with remorse is said never to have smiled again. He buried Gelert here".
The last part of the cycle is the reverse route of the Snowdonia Charity challenge. I love the road down into Beddgelert - in the challenge when you come down from Snowdon - this makes up the 2nd cycle leg. You fly downhill at 30 miles an hour for a good few miles. The opposite directly is slightly less fun - when your legs are fried and you are calorie deficit (as they are all in Harry and Louise.)
Tomorrow we are climbing Snowdon with the Director of Regain. We are really looking forward to it.
Louises View: Today we visited Porthmadog and Black rock sands. My Nanny Pam used to bring me here as a child on holiday so it was lovely to be back and reminisce. (A miracle is wasn’t raining today!)
We stopped for lunch and had a wander round the shops, Nick met us briefly, then we left and headed off to the beach.
I love this beach so much, but don’t think I’ve ever spent a day on it when it isn’t blowing a Gale! Today was no exception, the camper is so convenient- no struggling with the wind breaks.
The Boys are climbing Snowdon tomorrow, I’m not, I’m gonna sit back and relax with a book and make the most of the peace!
Harrys View: Today we went to the beach and some shops. Sadly they had no Minecraft cards. I had great time today I met one of my favourite YouTubers (Nick - the kid was lying lol). Tomorrow we are climbing Snowdon, I am a bit nervous as it is going to be really tiring.