Nicks View: Today involved no cycling as we have reached the first summit attempt of the trip: Snowdon.....
Getting up in the morning, this was possibly the worst weather of the epic adventure to date. Low cloud, cold and continuous drizzle. Louise having tracked the weather over the last few days luckily bought Harry a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms.
Paul the Director of Regain, met us at our campsite just before 8:30 in the morning so we could get an early start on the hill. We chose the Rhyd Ddu path for a couple of reasons; it was close to our campsite, parking is always quite straight forward and less people walk up this path. Reading the notice board at the start of the climb, we duly noted that we were not properly equipped, no one remembered the ice axe and crampons.
Harry was full of enthusiasm at the start of the walk, I think close to 10,000 words left his mouth before we even got to the first proper steep section. He was planning to eat the clouds when we reached them. Instead of asking are we almost there yet - it was "How high are we?" or "How far have we travelled?". We had to crack out the snacks in the first mile to keep energy up.
The sun broke a bit and the layers came off, then the rain came and the layers went back on, followed by gale force winds and the layers were wrapped tighter.
We graded the walk into levels and stages - level 1 being flat and level 5 being pro climber. We had some tough negotiations about what grade we were walking on. Just before the ridge Harry started to stall. Paul was very encouraging and suggested a medal for finishing the climb, a silver medal for two of the three peaks and a gold one for all three. This spurred him up for a bit, however, it was short lived. As we had tried the carrot we next tried the stick, I lent him my walking poles, and this worked for a while. However, he stalled again and he suggested we pretend we made it.
We laboured on and found that I could lure him up the mountain with beef space raider crisps..... We eventually made it to the top ridge and the cloud cleared for a second... "Jesus" Harry exclaimed as he saw the two 300 foot drops either side. He was also hollering at the sheep close to the top asking what they were doing there.
Finally we summited in really strong winds, it almost ripped the flag from our hands. Happy to have made it, and given the cold, cloudy and wet weather we decided to take the easy way down, via the motorway - Llanberis path. It did not seem that busy today, mainly as we could not see the people infront or behind us.
As we descended into the clouds - Harry came out with the lovely phrase.... "are we descending into the abyss?" At which point I taught him the lyrics of a thrash song that I thought was from the album Seasons in the Abyss.
"Before I drown in sorrow
Well I just want to say
How will I laugh tomorrow
If I can't even smile today?"
Cheered on by the invigorating song we stopped at the halfway cafe for the worlds most expensive snacks. Tea, hot chocolate, skittles and a flapjack close to £8. - nice.
Harry was dead tired when we got close to the bottom, he lay on the verge and told us he could not go on....but the brave little soldier did and we finally got to the bottom - after a spate of backwards walking lol. We bought the t-shirt, and some walking poles for Harry (which I look forward to carrying for him on the next peak). Paul managed to flag down a taxi which returned us around the mountain to the car. Thank you for the support and the enjoyable day.
As we still have no gas - we got a takeaway delivered to the campsite - at which point all Harry's energy returned and he is now bombing around the campsite on his bike. Speak to you all tomorrow.
Louises View: So far, we’ve been really lucky having met some lovely people on the campsites, but not so lucky last night!
A family of 5 next to us in a tent. The arguments started around 9pm and continued on well past midnight.
At first it was exciting, I’m missing my TV shows and love a bit of drama, but by 11 I’d had enough! The one bloke clearly had enough and told his wife ( I’m guessing ) he was going, he jumped in his car and wheel span at speed out the campsite meters from my tent! I’m extremely grateful he didn’t loose control and run over me!
By the time that all quietened down the rain began to fall and I eventually drifted off.
Early wake up call to see the boys off, they are climbing Snowdon- they weather is pretty bad so I hope they make it up safely.
Nothing much to report otherwise, I did some washing, downloaded some stuff to watch on the iPad and spent most of the
day snoozing on and off in the van.
Managed to order a pizza and almost wet myself laughing as Nick fell out of the van backwards - best laugh I’ve had this holiday!
Harrys View: I climbed Snowdon today it was very hard, over 3000 feet and it was very windy. I discovered that clouds taste like chocolate biscuits. It felt like we were walking up a stairway to heaven (or Hell). I planted a flag at the top.... it was harder going down than up. There was no Coop in town so no Minecraft stickers for me.